npj Metabolic Health and Disease journal launches, led by top metabolism researcher

The new journal is now open for submissions, with Dr Magda Montgomery (Dept of Anatomy and Physiology) appointed as Editor-in-Chief.

Magda joined the University in 2018 as a NHMRC Career Development Fellow and now leads the Metabolic Tissue Cross-Talk laboratory in the School of Biomedical Sciences. In her new role as Editor-in-Chief for npj Metabolic Health and Disease, she hopes to make the journal a platform for all areas of metabolism research, ranging from fundamental discovery research through to translational and clinical science.

“Metabolism plays a central role in every cell and tissue in our body, and is a major contributor to many non-communicable diseases in Australia and worldwide, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer,” said Magda, “I hope to create an international platform for high-quality research on metabolism and metabolic diseases that improves the lives of individuals, communities, and societies around the world.”

Magda, who also serves as the Theme Lead of Metabolic Health Division within the School of Biomedical Sciences, hopes UniMelb staff and students are aware of the opportunity to publish research on metabolism and metabolic disease. Interestingly, when looking at current EiC of Metabolism/Diabetes/Obesity journals, only around 15% have a female editor-in-chief, putting Magda amongst a small but significant part of the scientific community.

“I encourage everyone from our University to submit articles and serve as reviewers for the work of others. I will be looking for unique ways to grow the journal, involving early career and seasoned researchers, and invite you all to be involved,” Magda said.

About npj Metabolic Health and Disease journal

Npj Metabolic Health and Disease is part of the Nature portfolio of journals. Nature is a weekly international journal publishing peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology and has been a top academic venue for science for over 100 years.

Key priorities of npj Metabolic Health and Disease include:

1. Publishing cutting-edge research on basic mechanisms of metabolism and metabolic diseases,

2. Highlighting pre-clinical and clinical studies on novel diagnostic tools, effects of interventions for the prevention and treatment of metabolic pathophysiology and epidemiology, and

3. Fostering interdisciplinary and collaborative research that has a direct impact on public and global health.

Read Q&A with Magda Montgomery at npj