
Why should I Acknowledge the MCP?

Acknowledgement of the MCP in publications that have made use of our cytometers and services is a condition of use. All instruments that are on the Calpendo booking system fall under direct or indirect management of the MCP and thus should be acknowledged.

A crucial metric on which all Shared Resource Platforms are judged is on their being acknowledged in publications, including journal articles, seminars, conference posters, book chapters and theses. This is critical in securing continuity of funding for infrastructure and support staff.

In cases where a researcher has not availed themselves of direct assistance from a platform staff member, the cytometer that they have used has received the benefits of being managed by the Platform with provision of major discounts in service contracts, user management on the booking systems, machine maintenance/ troubleshooting,  price negotiations and management of site licenses for analysis software, secure data management, training of users (direct hands on, provision of seminars, workshops etc…).

Authorship and collaboration

Where a Platform staff member has a formal collaboration agreement or has ‘gone the extra mile’ in the design of your experiments, interpretation/ analysis of your data, critical feedback or contribution to manuscripts (including figures), they should be added as an author on the paper with affiliation as below.

Dental School:  Dr Alexis Perez Gonzalez – Melbourne Cytometry Platform Manager, Dental School, The University of Melbourne.

Doherty Institute: Tina Luke (manager), Angela Hind, Catherine Li and Lankesha Yapa.  Affiliation: Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The University of Melbourne.

Melbourne Brain Centre: Dr Vanta Jameson (manager) and Dr Sarvenaz Taghavi. Affiliation: Department of Anatomy and Neurosciences, The University of Melbourne

How do I acknowledge the MCP?

Our platform is known as the Melbourne Cytometry Platform (MCP) and we have 3 staffed nodes: Dental School, Doherty Institute and Melbourne Brain Centre (MBC). We also have nodes at Bio21, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences (FVAS) and Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

Acknowledgement section examples

If you make use of any of the staffed nodes and staff have helped you with your setup, sorting etc… you should acknowledge as such:

“We acknowledge (name(s)) from the Melbourne Cytometry Platform (Doherty Institute node) for assistance with flow cytometry”

If you have made use of a staffed node and not had any specific input from staff, you can acknowledge as such:

“We acknowledge the Melbourne Cytometry Platform (Melbourne Brain Centre node) for provision of flow cytometry services”

If you have made use of an unstaffed node or have used a lab-owned cytometer that is listed in Calpendo, you should still acknowledge the Melbourne Cytometry Platform.

“We acknowledge the Melbourne Cytometry Platform for provision of flow cytometry services”

Below is a perfect example of an acknowledgement in a publication

We also thank T. Luke and staff at the Doherty Institute Flow Cytometry Facility, V. Jameson and staff at the Melbourne Brain Centre Flow Cytometry Facility, A. Gonzalez from the Melbourne Cytometry Platform…” - Marc Rigau et al, Science. 2020 Feb 7;367(6478)