The Melbourne Cytometry Platform provides the University of Melbourne and the wider research community with world-class instrumentation, expertise and training in flow cytometry. Our experts welcome researchers from medical, biological and material sciences fields
Explore our instruments by application and other services that we provide. Each of our services is supported by expert cytometrists. We welcome queries relating to experimental concept and design through to sample preparation, execution and data analysis. We provide expert cell sorting, training and customisation to each researcher's needs.
Answer your research questions with flow cytometry
With a multitude of supported instruments across 4 nodes, our facilities accommodate most human, other mammalian, invertebrate, plant, marine, yeast, bacterial and nanoparticle samples. Cytometers in PC2 and PC3 laboratories are available for infectious and notifiable GMO samples. We welcome enquiries for access, training and advice on all aspects of flow cytometry.
Researchers may access cytometers at ANY of our locations- you are not restricted to using instrumentation at your 'home' building/ node. In most cases, we have similarly configured cytometers at more than 1 node. This is particularly important for contingency planning such as in the case of instrument breakdown/ repair.
MCP News, Events and Research Output
Check back regularly for MCP events, educational opportunities, news and featured publications made possible using our instrumentation and services
General Enquiries:
Melbourne Cytometry Platform Steering Committee
Professor Laura Mackay (Department of Microbiology and Immunology)
Professor Axel Kallies (Department of Microbiology and Immunology)
Professor Alice Pebay (Department of Anatomy and Physiology/ Department of Surgery)
Professor Danny Hatters (Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology)