Meet Our Talent

Meet Erica Fletcher

Professor Erica Fletcher’s esteemed career in ophthalmological research spans more than 15 years and has led to multiple national and international awards. A central focus of Erica's work has been the translation of her work to address clinically significant questions and to aid in the development of better treatments for retinal disease.

Erica has received considerable research funding primarily from the NH&MRC and also a number of international funding agencies including the Health Research Council, New Zealand and American Health Assistance Foundation. She has been published widely in a range of high impact journals, whilst maintaining a teaching load and mentoring of research personnel.

Leading a team of 14 students and postdocs as Head of the Fletcher laboratory: Visual Neuroscience, Erica has successfully supervised 17 PhD students through to completion. As Associate Dean (Graduate Research), Professor Fletcher also Chairs the Faculty Graduate Research Committee.

The School of Biomedical Sciences is one of the leading places for neuroscience research, and has arguably the largest collection of researchers interested in vision problems in the country, if not world-wide. So, it’s a vibrant and exciting place to undertake research. On a personal note, my department has also had an excellent record mentoring women scientists through all the various career stages.
Professor Erica Fletcher
Associate Dean of Graduate Research
Department of Anatomy and Physiology

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