Meet Our Talent

Meet Danny Hatters

Professor Hatters’ laboratory is based at the Bio21 Molecular Science & Biotechnology Institute. His research investigates the mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative diseases, particularly Huntington's and Motor Neurone Diseases.

Professor Hatters' interest is in understanding the biology thought to be most closely associated with the mechanisms of disease, including protein quality control. The focus is on developing new biosensors and strategies to probe how inappropriate protein aggregation relates to the mechanisms of disease. In collaboration with Professor Gavin Reid, he has developed new methodologies and strategies in proteomics resulting in many publications, including a paper featured in Nature Communications in early 2018.

I really enjoy the problem-solving aspects of biomedical research and thinking outside the box to solve the challenging problems. I am most satisfied with my accomplishments that ticks those boxes.
Professor Danny Hatters
NHMRC Senior Research Fellow
Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology

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