Welcome to Computational Biomedical Researcher A/Prof Michael Menden

We spoke with our new colleague Associate Professor Michael Menden about his computational research group and the exciting collaborative opportunities his appointment brings to the School of Biomedical Sciences and the University.

As recently as July 2023, Michael filed his first patent on generative AI in clinical trials jointly with Roche and is actively seeking collaboration partners.

Michael’s research focus is to empower precision medicine and drug discovery by leveraging biostatistics, machine learning and artificial intelligence. He recently commenced an Associated Professor role in the Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology. He remains a Visiting Group Leader, supervising 12 PhD students and 2 postdocs, at the Computational Health Centre, in Helmholtz Munich, Germany, where he was head of the DZD Computational Biology Unit.

Michael is widely published with 33 peer-review manuscripts, over 5,200 citations and an h-index of 20. He was awarded a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant in 2020, and the Rising Star in Drug Discovery Award by the University of Cardiff in 2022.

We are keen on exploring deep molecular and phenotypic characterised datasets, and to establish collaborations within and across the School.

Our computational models become most powerful when customised to disease biology, thus, we are actively seeking partnerships to jointly explore biomedical datasets within MDHS, SBS and the wider medical precinct.

What inspires you about your work?

The ability to enhance treatment responses to biomedical challenges is something that inspires me. I’m keen to learn about new disease segments and caveats of datasets.  And I am particularly excited by exploiting expert domain knowledge, customising our computational models and ultimately generating translational impact that alters treatment strategies.

The School of Biomedical Sciences is one of the University's largest and fastest growing Schools, what does being part of this School mean to you?

It is my strong belief that SBS will become an accelerator for our research in computational biomedicine. There is value in the datasets and expert domain knowledge here, which we want to transform into translation output empowered by biostatistics, machine learning and AI.

Why is the School - and Melbourne Biomedical Precinct - a great place to work or study?

It is a concentrated hub for biomedical research, which brings together diverse research expertise, thus is an incubator to deliver novel treatment strategies and addressing unmet clinical needs.

What's it like to be part of the Department of Biochemistry & Pharmacology?

It is a vibrant community with exciting scientific opportunities and stimulating discussions. Going for coffee can be inspiring, and you might end up with another research idea!

What makes you passionate about research, science and education?

Working on scientific challenges with translational potential. And educating the next generation of young scientists who will make a difference.

With the hindsight of having built a successful career, what advice would you give your younger self?

Do what excites you and always follow your passion.

Outside of work, what are your personal pursuits that help you find work/life balance?

I love playing volleyball and enjoy social running. In addition, embracing my inner child when playing with my 6-year old daughter - playing with Lego or attempting cartwheels in the park! And of course, lazy movie nights with my wife.

How is your orientation to Melbourne going so far?

I love the Melbourne Zoo and the Melbourne Museum, which are in close proximity to the medical precinct.

We are a dry lab with strong expertise in machine learning, artificial intelligence and biostatistics applied to biomedical challenges. We are looking forward to finding collaborators in the medical precinct.

If you have a deep molecular characterised dataset with phenotypic readouts, and are interested in jointly deriving hypotheses, please get in touch!

Michael Menden commenced in August 2023 as an Associate Professor in Biochemistry & Pharmacology located in the Bio21 Incubator Building 506 and is contactable via email michael.menden@unimelb.edu.au.