Dr Kate Hatzopoulos

Dr Kate Hatzopoulos

Lecturer & Subject Coordinator in the Department of Anatomy and Physiology.

Dr Kate Hatzopoulos is an experienced lecturer and subject coordinator of topographical Anatomy and Neuroscience having taught in a variety of Universities and educational settings.

Kate has a diverse teaching background and has been an educator in medical, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology, biomedical and science programs, including specialist teaching roles, such as facilitating anatomy workshops for practicing medical clinicians.

She is highly specialised in cadaveric dissection and has been the lead prosector for many of the specimens that are currently on display at the University of Melbourne - for example at the Harry Brookes Allen Museum of Anatomy & Pathology. Some of her dissections have been outsourced for external teaching purposes across a number of other Universities.

Kate is passionate about expanding the dissection programs offered within the Department of Anatomy and Physiology including developing collaborative partnerships with international universities to showcase proven anatomical teaching methods being implemented at the University of Melbourne.