Brooks laboratory: Innate immunity; anti-viral immunity

Research Overview

Research in the Brooks' laboratory examines how diverse arms of the immune system are integrated to provide effective anti-viral immunity, spanning NK and T cell biology, soluble innate proteins and receptors involved in viral entry.

Major Research Projects

  1. NK cell receptors and their ligands on target cells
  2. The function of non classical MHC class I molecules
  3. The role of soluble innate receptors in respiratory infections
  4. Characterisation of HSV-1 specific CD4+ T cells and their migration
  5. Viral entry into cells and infection of macrophages


Dr Ruby Farrukee, Research Officer
Dr Svenja Fritzlar, Research Officer
Dr Jie Lin, Research Officer
Dr Sarah Londrigan, Senior Research Officer
Ms Tina Meischel, PhD Graduate Researcher
Mr Adham Mohamed, PhD Graduate Researcher
Mrs Clare Oates, Laboratory Manager
Mr Kane Parsons, Research Project Student
Prof Patrick Reading, Professor
Dr Philippa Saunders, Research Officer
Dr Sanda Stankovic, Research Officer
Mr Melkamu Tessema, PhD Graduate Researcher
Mr Fernando Villalon Letelier, PhD Graduate Researcher
Ms Lauren Ware, MSc Graduate Researcher

photo of Brooks lab personnel

Figure 1: The Brooks Lab: Back row (left to right): Sonya Hubbard, Darryl Johnson, Philippa Saunders, Chris Harpur, Sanda Stankovic, Sarah Londrigan, Andrew Brooks; Front row: Wy Ching Ng, Jie Lin, Shinta Dewi, Emma Job, Lucy Sullivan, Jacqueline Widjaja, Patrick Reading