Biological Optical Microscopy Platform (BOMP)
The Biological Optical Microscopy Platform (BOMP) is part of the Melbourne Advanced Microscopy Facility which offers Electron and Optical Microscopy services.
The Biological Optical Microscopy Platform (BOMP) makes state-of-the art fluorescence microscopy equipment available to the students and staff of the University of Melbourne, as well as the wider community.
The Platform specialises in meeting the needs of biomedical researchers, with instruments located in (or linked to) PC2 and pathogen handling facilities.
The Platform provides training and research support to high-end fluorescence microscopes including:
- Confocal Microscopes (Live cell, spinning disk, inverted and upright)
- High-Content Imaging
- Lightsheet Microscopy
- Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy
- Super-Resolution Microscopy
- Multi-Photon Microscopy
- Image analysis & post acquisition processing
For more information
Phone: 9035 3021