Submit work

If you have an idea for a contribution, we strongly encourage you to send the editors a brief (250 words) proposal for an art work, analytical or reflective essay (i.e. book review, interview or debate) in the scope of Humans 2.0. This will encourage a conversation between you as potential author(s) and the editorial board, improving the chance that your proposed piece fits with the focus of the journal. Your proposal should outline the type of contribution (art work, review of what book, etc.) and the focus of the potential submission.

You can read more on the different types of contributions in the module Getting Published.

Do you have an idea that fits the above description? We would love to hear it via the link below!

Submit proposal

Criteria for review

All submitted pieces (art work, analytical or reflective essay) must meet the following criteria:

  • It has as a primary focus the interdisciplinary intersection of science and society, with a particular emphasis on how biomedical interventions impact on society and its beliefs, philosophy and culture.
  • Meets the formatting guidelines outlined below and in the module 'Getting published'.
  • Is clearly written and accessible to a broad, interdisciplinary readership.
  • Is not previously published, nor is it currently in submission with another journal.

Checklist for submission

  • Essays may be between 1250 and 4000 words, including title, abstract, footnotes and keywords, but excluding the reference list.
  • Book reviews may be between 750 and 1500 words.
  • All submissions (excluding artwork) must be Microsoft Word documents, in order to allow anonymous peer review.
  • All headings and separations between article sections must be clearly indicated.
  • All references conform to the APA 7 style. See the University’s dedicated APA 7 referencing guide for instructions and examples.
  • The inclusion of illustrations, figures, charts, tables and graphs is permitted.

Creative submissions

Creative submissions should include the following information:

  • Student name, degree and year level.
  • 200-word artist statement (briefly describing your artwork, its aims and intentions).
  • 200-word statement outlining how your artwork connects to the concept of Humans2.0.

If you submit an image, or multiple images if your submission is comprised of related pieces, please submit files that:

  • Are Jpeg.
  • Are 300dpi.
  • Have a max size of 2MB.
  • Have a max width (long edge) 1920px.

All set? We look forward to reading/seeing/hearing your work via the link below!

Submit work