Plan Your Course
Information to assist Biomedicine students in planning their subject choices throughout their course journey.
Plan your Course
Subject Selection:
In the Bachelor of Biomedicine you will completed 300 points which will generally be made up of 22 subjects including:
- 8 Core subjects (125 points)
- 2 Foundation Elective subjects (25 points)
- 4 subjects that contribute to your chosen major (50 points)*
- 4 Breadth subjects (50 points)
- Remaining 4 subjects made up of
- 1 Level 2 Discipline Elective subject (12.5 points) and
- 3 subjects that are either Electives (Discipline or Foundation) or Breadth (37.5 points) - this could be three electives, two electives and one breadth or one elective and two breadth.
*some majors require level 1 or 2 prerequisite subjects to be completed in addition to the level 3 subjects. You will use your Elective subjects to select/complete these.
Progression Rules:
- You must enrol in BIOM10001 Discovering Biomedicine in your first semester
- You must successfully complete 50 points of Level 1 subjects, including BIOM10001 Discovering Biomedicine, before you can progress onto Level 2 subjects.
- You must successfully complete 50 points of Level 2 subjects before progressing onto Level 3 subjects.
For the full list of course requirements and subject options please refer to the University Handbook.
My Course Planner
My Course Planner is an interactive web application that allows you to explore your options and validate your choices to design a program that's right for you. You can complete multiple versions if you are still trying to work out which major you want to complete.
What you CAN do in My Course Planner
- View what subjects and majors are available for your course
- Test what happens if you select a particular major/subject before you enrol
- If you’re part-way through your course you can input what you have done so far to see how this impacts your options
- Get a visual course plan that you can print and share.
What you CAN’T do in My Course Planner
- Enrol in subjects or your major. Once you have planned your course you must enrol using your Study Plan
- Find detailed information about your subjects. Remember to check the Handbook for more detailed subject, assessment, contact hours and timetable details.
- Accept your offer. If you are a new student make sure you follow all the steps in Get Started at Melbourne to finalise your enrolment.
Biomedicine Majors - Pathway Information
What subjects are required to complete to meet the pre-requisites for my major?
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2nd year:
BCMB20005 Techniques in Molecular Science - Biomedical Engineering Systems
1st year:
ONE of:
MAST10006 Calculus 2 AND MAST10007 Linear Algebra (complete these if received a study score of at least 27 in VCE Specialist Maths or equivalent)
MAST10021 Calculus 2: Advanced AND MAST10022 Linear Algebra: Advanced (complete these if received a study score of at least 36 in VCE Specialist Maths or equivalent
MAST10008 Accelerated Mathematics AND MAST10009 Accelerated Mathematics 2 (complete these if received a study score of at least 38 in VCE Specialist Maths or equivalent)Note: If you did not achieve a study score of at least 27 in VCE Specialist Mathematics 3/4 or equivalent then you will need to complete MAST10005 before moving onto the subjects listed above.
You are also highly recommended to use your Breadth/Selective choices to complete:
ENGR10004 Engineering Technology and Society AND ENGR10006 Engineering Modelling and DesignNote: if completing MAST10005 and both of the recommended ENGR subjects you will only have room to complete one more Level 1 subject on your study plan (including breadth subjects).
2nd year:
BMEN20003 Applied Computation in Bioengineering
MAST20029 Engineering Mathematics - Biotechnology
No Pre-requisiteMolecular Biotechnology:
Cell and Developmental Biology - No Pre-requisiteGenetics – GENE20001 Principles of Genetics
Plus one of:
GENE20003 Experiments in Genetics
BCMB20005 Techniques in Molecular Science
MIIM20002 Microbes, Infections and ResponsesDue to pre-req sequence it takes 7 semesters to complete this major with a mid-year start
Biomedical Biotechnology:
Biochemistry - BCMB20005 Techniques in Molecular ScienceMicrobiology and Immunology – MIIM20002 Microbes, Infections and Responses
Pharmacology – No Pre-requisite
- Cell and Developmental Biology
Requisites for Major completed in Biomedicine Core Subjects
- Genetics
2nd Year:
GENE20001 Foundations of GeneticsPlus one of:
GENE20004 Applications of Genetics and Genomics
BCMB20005 Techniques in Molecular Science
MIIM20002 Microbes, Infections and ResponsesDue to pre-req sequence it takes 7 semesters to complete this major with a mid-year start
- Human Nutrition
2nd Year:
FOOD20003 Food Chemistry, Biology and Nutrition
NUTR20001 Food Nutrition and Health - Human Structure and Function
Requisites for Major completed in Biomedicine Core Subjects
- Immunology
Requisites for Major completed in Biomedicine Core Subjects
Due to pre-req sequence it takes 7 semesters to complete this major with a mid-year start
- Infection and Immunity
2nd Year:
MIIM20002 Microbes, Infections and ResponsesNeed to choose MIIM300016 as your major elective if you wish to complete in 6 semesters with a mid-year start.
- Microbiology and Immunology
2nd Year:
MIIM20002 Microbes, Infections and Responses - Neuroscience
Requisites for Major completed in Biomedicine Core Subjects
- Pathology
Requisites for Major completed in Biomedicine Core Subjects
Due to pre-req sequence it takes 7 semesters to complete this major with a mid-year start
- Pharmacology
Requisites for Major completed in Biomedicine Core Subjects
- Physiology
Requisites for Major completed in Biomedicine Core Subjects
- Psychology (Non - Accredited)
2nd year:
TWO of:
PSYC20006 Biological Psychology
PSYC20008 Developmental Psychology
PSYC20007 Cognitive Psychology
PSYC20009 Personality and Social Psychology - Psychology (APAC Accredited)
1st year:
PSYC10003 Mind, Brain and Behaviour 1
PSYC10004 Mind, Brain and Behaviour 22nd year:
PSYC20006 Biological Psychology
PSYC20008 Developmental Psychology
PSYC20007 Cognitive Psychology
PSYC20009 Personality and Social Psychology - Public Health and Epidemiology
Requisites for Major completed in Biomedicine Core Subjects
Further information on majors
Disclaimer: While the School of Biomedical Science endeavours to keep these resources up to date, changes may have occurred since they were published. All students are recommended to check the University Handbook to ensure they meet the requirements of their course. If in doubt students are encouraged to seek enrolment/course planning advice from Stop 1.
- When do I choose my Major?
You do not need to formally choose your major until you are re-enrolling into your third year. The only consideration you need to make when enrolling into your first year is whether you may like to take Bioengineering or Psychology (as they have first year pre-requisites)
- How much do I need to enrol into now?
You only need to enrol into subjects one calendar year at a time. To assist the university in planning the timetable it is recommended you enrol into both Semester 1 and 2 subjects. Generally you can change subjects up until week 2 of semester.
- What if I want to complete more than 2 foundation electives?
You can use the 3 additional elective subjects to complete more foundation elective subjects if you wish. Please remember that there is a maximum of 10 Level 1 subjects (125 points) that you can take during your course.
- How do I know what level a subject is?
The first number in a subject code indicates the subject level. For example ABCD10001 is a Level 1 subject, ABCD20001 is a Level 2 subject.
- What's the best major to choose if I want to do Medicine?
There is no required or preferred major for Medicine entry, all provide great foundational knowledge in addition to your core subjects. Choose the major that you are most interested in completing.
- There's a quota on a subject in my major. What does this mean for me?
Students need to ensure they have enrolled by the selection deadlines to be considered for selection. If the subject is core to the major on your study plan and you have already successfully completed at least one core subject of the major at the time of selection you will be given priority during selection rounds for other core subjects in that major.To be given this priority, you need to ensure you apply on time. No priority is given for elective subjects as you have alternative options if you are unsuccessful during selection. More information on SBS Quota Subjects.