Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • When do I select my major?

    Students select their major when they are completing enrolment for 3rd year (assuming full time study).

    It is worth noting that some majors require pre-requsite 1st and 2nd year subjects in addition to BIOM20001 - Molecular and Cellular Biomedicine and BIOM20002 - Human Structure and Function. Completing pre-requsite subjects does not lock you into completing that major.

  • Does my major affect entry into graduate programs?

    Generally no.

    For professional graduate courses like the Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Physiotherapy and Doctor of Dental Surgery it does not matter which major you complete, all provide great foundational knowledge in addition to your core subjects. You should choose a major area of interest to you.

    If you are interested in research (Honours and/or Masters) then you will most likely need to complete a major in a relevant discipline area to your research area of interest. You should choose a major area of interest to you.

  • There is a quota on a subject in my major that I want or need to complete. What do I do?

    Some subjects in the School of Biomedical Sciences have quotas, meaning the number of students that can take these subjects is limited. For information on how to apply and timelines for these subjects please see the Quota Subject webpage.

    Selection is based on Academic Merit, if you are not selected then you will either need to choose a different subject (if the subject is optional to the major) or choose a different major (if the subject is core to the major). If a student has already successfully completed at least one core subject for a major AND nominated that major on their study plan at the time of selection they will not be restricted from completing their major.

    Study Plan advice is available at Stop 1.

    Majors with quotas on core subjects:

    • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    • Human Structure and Function
    • Immunology
    • Microbiology
    • Pathology
    • Pharmacology

    Majors with quotas on optional subjects:

    • Cell and Developmental Biology
    • Infection and Immunity
    • Physiology