What you should know about applied public health microbial genomics

Genomics is revolutionising the practice of public health microbiology and epidemiology globally, but capacity in genomic data analysis is a key limiting factor in implementation of the technology.

Designed specifically for public health microbiologists and epidemiologists, this Introductory Course in Applied Public Health Microbial Genomics will introduce the concepts and provide practical experience in the analysis and interpretation of microbial genome data for public health action.

The course program from Monday 12 to Thursday 15 November will focus on the skills required to answer questions relevant to public health in relation to:

  • The generation and quality control of genome sequence data;
  • The use of genome analysis software such as Artemis (Sanger Institute);
  • Nullarbor (MDU PHL) for genome exploration and comparative genomics;
  • Mapping of Illumina sequence data;
  • SNP calling;
  • Genome assembly and annotation;
  • The basics of identifying genes (or mutations) associated with antibiotic resistance;
  • Defining phylogenetic relationships between microbes;
  • Healthcare-associated infections;
  • Environmental infectious diseases;
  • Enteric diseases;
  • STIs and TB;
  • Viral diseases; and
  • Clinical metagenomics.

The course will be held at The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, 792 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne.