

We're in the midst of planning this page. We'd like it to be the go-to place for SBS EMCRs to find the information they need to succeed while working in the School. Think career development, funding opportunities, grant writing tips, connecting with other EMCR organisations and where to find support during challenging times.

Let us know if there are resources you want to see on this page or if you have links and content that you think we should be sharing. Contact us at with the subject line: Resources Page.


We realised that many of the EMCRs applicants don't know the pathways that will lead them to get a promotion. To help you plan and manage your academic career, we listed here some websites that can help you to find the information you need.

Mental Health Resources

We have recently found ourselves in a challenging time amid COVID-19 restrictions. Having to face career uncertainties, social disconnection and carers’ responsibilities for some, it is understandable that many of us will be feeling stressed, anxious, lost and overwhelmed. To better support EMCRs, we have put together a list of mental health resources below. Please note that this is a general guide; visit your GP for professional advice and call ‘000’ for urgent assistance.

  • Mental Health Resources

    UoM-  Health and Wellbeing Directory

    This University webpage covers a wide range of internal and external health and wellbeing support services and resources.

    Additional resources

    UoM COVID-19 Managing Stress and Anxiety Webpage

    This University webpage covers the mental health reactions associated with COVID-19, coping strategies and recommended resources and support available in Australia.

    UoM Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

    This is a confidential support service available to UoM employees and their immediate family members. It is delivered by an external provider, Benestar through telephone, video, online, or the BeneHub app. Appointments can be made by calling 1300 360 364 (Australia) or +61 2 8295 2292 (International). Alternatively, visit, click on the ‘BeneHub Login’ button and enter the following details in the ‘Use your company token’ and create your personal profile’ section:

    ID: UOM

    Token: UOM01

    Head to Health

    An excellent website created by the Australian Government Department of Health that provide step-by-step guide to help you find the right digital mental health resources that suit your needs.

    Lifeline Australia

    Provides telephone counselling and referral to local mental health support services.

    Telephone: 13 11 14

    Mental Health in Multicultural Australia (MHiMA)

    Provides mental health and suicide prevention information to cater for people from various cultural and language background.


    Provides anonymous and free counselling and referral services tailored for the LGBTI community.

    Telephone: 1800 184 527

    Relationship Matters (formerly LifeWorks)

    Non-for-profit organisation which provides relationship counselling and mediation.

    Telephone: 1300 543 396


    Provides free support, referral and information for all Victorian women, non-binary and gender-diverse individuals.

    Telephone: 1300 134 130