
Stemformatics allows researchers to host and visualise their own private datasets and benchmark them against high quality public datasets.

Stemformatics is a web based resource for stem cell biologists. It allows them to visually explore their data sets quickly and easily. They can then benchmark their data set against 400+ manually curated, high quality public data sets.

Stemformatics was established in 2010 at Griffith University, and is now hosted and supported by the Centre for Stem Cell Systems at the University of Melbourne, with a University of Queensland node which is supported by Stem Cells Australia.

Stemformatics has continued to curate and make stem cell data sets publicly available to users. There are over 400 data sets, encompassing more than 9000 samples of stem cells and related cell types. It provides easy and quick visualization of gene expression across these samples as well as interactive graphs that can visualize data across data sets. It has supported numerous collaborative projects both nationally and internationally.

Stemformatics is an open source project committed to providing quality mentorship and training to students through Google Summer of Code and Melbourne School of Engineering Internship programs.