Stem Cells and Society

This theme investigates the ethical, legal and social implications of stem cell research and emerging technologies, and how we are educating professionals and the next generation of researchers about these issues.


Ethical, legal and social implications of stem cell research - Professor Megan Munsie

Research focus: enhancing the understanding of legal, ethical and social implications of stem cell science and regenerative medicine.

Stem Cell Education – Dr Rosa McCarty

Professional focus: Design, delivery and evaluation of interdisciplinary learning through stem cell and emerging technology education; use of ‘purpose and product’ for authentic learning experiences, and development of research skills.

Law, Ethics and the Emerging Technologies in Health - Professor Jane Kaye

Research focus: exploring genomics with an emphasis on biobanks, privacy, data-sharing frameworks, global governance and translational research.


Regulation of Personal Data - Professor Mark Taylor

Research focus: investigating the regulation of personal information with emphasis upon health information and genetic data.


Sexual Health - Professor Meredith Temple-Smith

Research focus: exploring sexual health, hepatitis C, and health services research.


Applied Ethics - Dr Christopher Gyngell

Research focus: exploring ethical implications of biotechnologies and the philosophy of health and disease.


Health Literacy - A/ Professor Robyn Woodward-Kron

Research focus: investigating healthcare communication, intercultural clinical communication, medical education.


Practical Ethics - Professor Julian Savulescu

Research focus: exploring ethics of various new or emerging technologies, including new methods of reproduction and enhancement of physical and cognitive performance through drugs or genetic manipulation


Applied Philosophy - Julian Koplin

Research focus: understanding the ethics and regulation of cerebral organoids.