The Universe Within - one of the WhiteNight events

A reminder that this display has been compiled from 'Under The Coverslip' images, a competition run by the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience


Tracking through the mouse brain - image by David Wright

Under the Coverslip is a competition run annually by the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience for students in the School of Biomedical Sciences, which showcases the beauty of scientific imagery that the complex microscopic techniques produce, as well as the important research conducted by the students.

From all accounts from those who have seen a preview of 'The Universe Within', it is truly spectacular so don't miss it. WhiteNight will run from 7:00 pm - 7:00 am on Saturday 20 - Sunday 21 Feb.  'The Universe Within' will be part of the 'Northern Lights' display and will appear on the Melbourne Central Back Wall, 211 La Trobe Street.

See the Program for WhiteNight.

Thank you to everyone involved for their hard work in getting this completed for WhiteNight.